About us

Honestly, we are just a bunch of geeks who have a thing for camera gear. But let's hear what we all got to say about ourselves.

(Pick) Kaushik Soubans - Rental Manager

I like to think of myself as a cook here. Only that instead of fruits, I make the best 'camera' salads! Ask me what you need and I'll cook up a good recipe for ya!

Neil Crespy - Co-Director

Stop calling me, guys. No, I won't do a special discount! I'm not the Rental Manager, I'm only here to play with the cool rigs!

Azim Moollan - Co-Director

I'm not here at the moment... But I am in spirit, always. Think of me as the guardian angel who looks over the gear, but from afar. *insert eagle call*

Brice Harel - Co-Director

Those numbers won't work themselves out. Someone's gotta keep tab of what's going on around here. Also, don't I look good in that picture?

Genevieve Bruno - Production Manager

What are these guys on about? Also, why are we named after fruits always! What will our next venture be, BANANA?!


Office 03A, Beau Plan Business Park

For some reason, we can't add a link to this location. So look up 'Papaya Video Equipment' on Google and you should get a pin!