(Pick) Kaushik Soubans - Rental Manager
I like to think of myself as a cook here. Only that instead of fruits, I make the best 'camera' salads! Ask me what you need and I'll cook up a good recipe for ya!
Neil Crespy - Co-Director
Stop calling me, guys. No, I won't do a special discount! I'm not the Rental Manager, I'm only here to play with the cool rigs!
Azim Moollan - Co-Director
I'm not here at the moment... But I am in spirit, always. Think of me as the guardian angel who looks over the gear, but from afar. *insert eagle call*
Brice Harel - Co-Director
Those numbers won't work themselves out. Someone's gotta keep tab of what's going on around here. Also, don't I look good in that picture?
Genevieve Bruno - Production Manager
What are these guys on about? Also, why are we named after fruits always! What will our next venture be, BANANA?!